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Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Fast-Track Management in Digestive Surgery

Rian Fabian, Toar JM Lalisang

Medicine technology becomes more advanced than before, it keeps moving forward to give better result in treating patient. In surgery, the technology and technique also improving. Such as fast-track management, that in other country they start the protocol to make the outcome result becomes better than conventional perioperative management. There are several research and serial cases that describe the benefit of these programs. But, application of fast track program in Indonesia was never been written. This literature review tried to give the surgeon the knowledge of fast-track management in digestive surgery, and the benefit of it.

To make these review, the writer have been studied the journal that related to fast-track from 2000-2010.

These fast track management promising a better result for digestive surgery, such fewer complication, cost reduction, less postoperative pain, reduction of hospital length of stay, and quicker to return to work and normal activities. But why these program cannot be applied for digestive surgery in Indonesia. Conventional approach makes must be understandable, because the surgeon realize that the research of fast-track management in Indonesia never been written.

Fast-track management are novel idea in surgery, that makes the improvement perioperative management in digestive surgery from the preop till the postop. Makes the result of the operation become better than conventional approach, because these program makes the operation become more efficient and more effective to improve quality of life after surgery. Reduction of hospital length of stay, less complication, and less postoperative pain becoming the advantage of these program, so further study about fast-track program need to be concluded. So eventually, that fast-track program can be done in Indonesia.

Keyword: better result in treating patient, fast-track, perioperative, knowledge

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