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Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Tata Cara Penulisan Abstrak dan Full Paper.


1.         ABSTRACT
a.        Should be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia in at least 100 words and maximum of 250 words.
b.        Consists of title, authors, and institution, introduction/background, methods, results, and conclusions (structure). Title should be written in capital letters, the author names written in lowercase without the title and the name of the speaker should be underline.
c.        Type with a distance of 1 space with Ms.word programme, times new roman font, size 12, and 3 pieces of keywords should be inserted.
d.       Abstracts should be sent on cd or sent by email to and by subject : abstract free paper.
e.        Abstract late submission limit is 1 June 2013

2.        FULL PAPER
a.       Should be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia, has not been published before and will be published printed elsewhere.
b.      Shall be type with a two –spaced on A4 paper, 3 cm for all margins (left, right, bottom&top) and the maximum number of pages is 10 (included charts, tables, and bibliography)
c.       Picture/photo printed on white paper, created separately, and are not attached to the script. Writes down the writer’s name, title of paper, title of the picture, and a brief description behind the picture.
d.      Paper deliverd in the form of a cd with MS.word programme or sent via email to and by subject : full paper.
e.       Bibliography compiled by “Vancouver Style”
f.       Full paper late submission limit is 1 July 2013

*Free paper participants should be registered as a symposium participants before 1 June 2013


        i.            Poster
a.    Should be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia on 90x120 cm allowed poster size.
b.    Text, images, and tables are created to be easily readable from a distance of 1 meter. Participants should provide a copy of the poster for the presentation in A4 format for the poster juries
c. Comittee will provide the 90x120 cm panels and facilities for posters, participants are required to put the poster presentation on the provided media for at least 90 minutes before the session begins and expected to stick and save the poster after the competition.
d.  Each participants will have 3 minutes for presenting and 2 minutes for discussion.
         ii.            Podium
a.  Each participants will have 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion
b.     Should be present the materials in Power Point format

*Presentations winner will be announced at the Gala Dinner on 23 August 2013